Thursday, March 31, 2011
'major discovery of Christian history’? - Yahoo! News
See the link below to read more about an amazing discovering that may share information about the last days of Jesus' life. Could lead codices prove ‘the major discovery of Christian history’? - Yahoo! News
Loss and Growth
"...there is no growth without loss...there also is no loss without growth."
--David Kessler
from Life Lessons by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & David Kessler
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Jump & Shout
Photo by Christophe Schmid
Don't hold it in. When you feel excitement, joy, happiness, playfulness let it out. Let others share in your delight. It just might brighten their day too!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
In the Midst of Chaos - Be Present
Photo by Maya Kruchancova
You are running here and there, the phone is ringing, your list of errands is growing, the dog is barking and begging to go for a walk, your teenager is playing the drums, and you can't find your car keys.
STOP!! Are you being present? Or, are you just running around like a chicken with its head cut off? Take a breath and be in the moment. Answer the phone if you can, pat the dog and in a soothing voice tell him you will take him out soon, listen for a moment to what your teenager is playing, and your car keys will show up soon enough. And, if your youngest comes to stand in front of you covered in paint, take a good look at the beauty of the "artwork".
You and only you can choose how to react to events in your life. A dear friend recently shared a quote with me, "You own your emotions, your emotions do not own you." So, take control :)
Photo by Christopher Ursitti
Monday, March 28, 2011
Remember to Breathe
Photo by Gina Smith
Sometimes it just seems that there is so much piling up that it is hard to keep your head above water. When that happens strap on an air tank and take the dive...don't fear it. But, you must remember to breathe!! And, when your head is underwater you must learn how to breathe...with pressure pushing down on you breathing is not natural at first. Trust yourself to learn how. You can do it. And, you can actually enjoy it and see all the beauty under the water...through the stress...just breathe!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer
“I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside.” - Dr. Wayne Dyer
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Just Lie Down and Breathe
Photo from Creative Commons by Marc from Borft
We all need to feel grounded and centered. We all too easily can lose our balance. It is not possible to constantly stay perfectly balanced, but here is a simple way to regain some of your balance. Find five minutes in your schedule (or one or two if that is all you can spare) and lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides. And, just breathe ... in and out...take your time with each breath. Doing this throughout your day can have amazing changes upon your body and within your soul.
Friday, March 25, 2011
A Friend's Love (I wrote this poem for a dear friend)
A Friend’s Love
The rain drops
Plop, plop, plop
The fire sizzles and hisses
With each drop of rain
The wind blows
Breathing life into the fire
My foot stamps frantically
Trying to put it out
Suddenly a friend
Touches my shoulder
And stands in the fire
By my side, smiling
No longer is there need
To stamp out the fire
Its life energy is a teacher
And, I, the student
Walk through the fire
Whether in darkness
Or brilliance
Be in awe of the flame
The smoke may thicken
My destination be obscured
If I am too afraid
I know I can reach for my friend’s hand
Exiting the fire
Relief washes my body
Until I see all around me
Infinite fires – big and small
With a smile
And an open heart
I look for my dear friend
Only to see now he walks through fire
The tides have turned
The moon is new
The leaves have fallen
The season has changed
With love and compassion
I enter the fire
And touch my dear friend’s shoulder
It is my turn, to gently hold space
--Janelle Alex
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Caregivers Must Care for Themselves Too!!!
Photo by Alyssa L. Miller
Do you take care of someone - a child, an elderly parent, a sibling, your spouse? It can be quite draining. Check out my article in regards to this. When we care for others we must remember to take care of ourselves or will be no good to anyone.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Spirituality and Health Mag article - Advantage of Many Gods
Please check out this article. It continues the topic I posted about yesterday.
The Advantages of Many Gods
There are many great articles in Spirituality and Health magazine.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
For God's Sake Don't Do That!
Photo from Creative Commons by ShashiBellamkonda
Have you ever encountered people who want to rush off to another country because "those poor people don't know who God is!"? They want to go on "missions" to "save those poor people!" Really!!!!! Usually I am a person filled with love, compassion, and respect for others, but when people believe their way is the only way and that all others will perish if not saved, I feel a bile rise in my throat.How is it that people can believe themselves to be loving, non-judgemental, and spreading (their) God's "word" when they believe that others must follow their religion or else. They believe that their "God", their "religion" is the only way. These are the people that I truly feel sad for -- not the native peoples of those foreign countries that "don't know Christianity's God" or so many others who have different traditions and follow different religions.
The important thing is to feel a connection to your spirituality - however that works for you!!! We are spiritual beings having a human experience. The Divine presence, the Universe, God, the Supreme Being, the collective unconscious, the Higher Power, etc. does not punish. It/he/she/they are PURE LOVE....which includes the beauty of our world and nature's magnificent power - yes, that includes tsunamis too. We still feel sadness for those who suffer and we should most certainly be there for them and help them, but don't blame God or Mother Nature or anything else. This is it, experience it, learn from it, and open your heart to your spiritual connection. There are as many paths to enlightenment, nirvana, Home, Heaven, etc. as their are souls.
Smile today and feel the love of All and for All!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Honoring the Holy Spirit of the Feminine
Click the link to learn more.
This fall in Pasto, Columbia.
Friday, March 18, 2011
More Insight from a 3-year-old
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Did I Just Get a Cheeseburger??? I Only Ordered a Tea!
Photo from Creative Commons - Aranami
Today I was visiting with a friend when she shared just such a moment with me. She stops every day and gets an iced tea from a local drive through. Yesterday she pulled away and thought to herself, "Oops, they didn't give me a straw." She had extras in the car so it wasn't an issue. In a couple of minutes she thought, "Why does my car smell like food?" With her extra straw in the cup she took a sip only to be surprised that it was soda and not tea. Then she looked over in the passenger seat and saw a bag of food from the restaurant. She was amazed that she could have been so zoned out and on serious autopilot that she took the bag of food from the drive through employee without even noticing.
It makes for a good laugh later, but it can also be a good wake up. Being mindful in our daily lives is not always easy, but we miss so much when we allow ourselves to become mindless instead :) And, you know as well as I do that we all fall into the mindless category at times. The key is try to be mindful more than mindless.
(Thank you, Doc for sharing this story!)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Joyful Couple Photo Contest -- Win a FREE copy of Joyful Couples
Get your FREE copy of Joyful Couples today!
We are looking for photos of happy couples to share on our site. Photos of the two of you should be unique and show how much you love each other.
(Nude photos will NOT be accepted.)
To share your photo with us, please email it as a jpeg to with "Joyful Couple Photo" in the subject line.
If we use your photo on our site, you will receive a FREE copy of our book, Joyful Couples. In this free copy we will start you off by sharing our story.
By sending us a photo of the two of you, you are claiming that the photo is of you and your partner and that you have the right to share the photo. You also are agreeing to allow us to use your photo on/in our website, blog, newsletter, Facebook fanpage and other promotional materials. At your request we will change your names or abbreviate your names to protect your privacy.
Modern Psychology & Ancient Wisdom
This book explores concepts from Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism, Judaism, Native American spirituality, Taoism, and Hinduism/Yoga. Undoubtedly not everything in this book will resonate with you, but it is a wonderful resource.
Modern Psychology and Ancient Wisdom: Psychological Healing Practices from the World's Religious Traditions by Sharon G. Mijares |
Sunday, March 13, 2011
No Arms, No Legs...No Worries!
He has no arms, no legs, but he loves life!!!!
"I don't need to hold her hand...I can hold her heart."
"I don't need to hold her hand...I can hold her heart."
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Wanting more...
Click here to see the What About Me Videos
From the Wanting video clip -
"When you don't get enough, you think there is enough somewhere [else]." Krishna Das
"Sometimes I get what I want. Sometimes I do not get what I want. Sometimes I get what I never expected." Ramesh S. Balsekar
These are truly wonderful!
From the Wanting video clip -
"When you don't get enough, you think there is enough somewhere [else]." Krishna Das
"Sometimes I get what I want. Sometimes I do not get what I want. Sometimes I get what I never expected." Ramesh S. Balsekar
These are truly wonderful!
Friday, March 11, 2011
The Road Not Taken
Photo from
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Heal Your Pain
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Photo by Bacalao |
Today I sit here writing this with extreme pain in my left hip and lower back. Not quite sure what happened, but there is no position I can get into that relieves this pain. So, I have to go deeper. My body is clearly trying to tell me something. If I can find the emotional wound or what Spirit is trying to get across to me, then my pain will be able to subside. Probably not going to happen in a few minutes, but it will settle down if I pay it due attention without just whining and complaining about how much it hurts. Of course, I am going to see the Chiropractor too, but she alone cannot heal me :) I have to be emotionally and spiritually in the right place too.
On that note, I want to mention Louise Hay's books. She has numerous ones and her message is wonderful.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The JOY in Dear Friends
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Photo from Creative Commons |
A very dear friend of mine shared these words the other day with me.
"The less stuff we put between our hearts and our true work, the better."
--Joy Riach--
Are you sharing your love with the world? Are you following your heart? Are you loving yourself? Are you listening to and finding the beauty in what those around you say?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Spring is Coming - De-clutter Your Home, Your Office & Your Life
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Photo by Elena Centor |
As the weather starts to turn warmer and the buds start to sprout, spring is finally arriving in full force. Spring signifies rebirth, renewal, and growth. With the arrival of spring people typically come out of their hibernation of winter and begin to re-engage with life.
Spring is also a time to clean out your homes and let go of the staleness of "winter." It is a time to freshen things up and let go of the clutter that may be taking up much needed space. Here are some simple steps to go about de-cluttering:
1. Start with one area of the home that has a lot of clutter - it may be impossible to clear clutter in your entire home in one day or one weekend, so focus on the one area of your home that has a lot of clutter. What part of your home needs clearing? Start with something small like a drawer and then as you make headway focus on something bigger.
2. As some Feng Shui teachings say "If you don't love it or use it, lose it." Go through your areas of clutter (e.g., closets or filing cabinets) and begin to throw away, recycle or give away items that no longer fit in these categories. If you have not worn something in over a year the general rule of thumb is to get rid of it.
3. To really make the most of your spring cleaning focus on one area of your life that seems out of balance (e.g., relationships, career, finances) and begin to clean out items that are associated with it. For example if your relationships are out of balance then go through old photos, reorganize or get rid of ones that no longer serve you. If it is your career then focus on clearing filing cabinets or
computer files.
4. Notice what emotions arise during the spring cleaning - you may notice feelings of fear, sadness, or anger arise as you are going through your clutter. Letting go of old items symbolically represents letting go of the old in your life and will most likely bring up some sort of emotions. Just notice what arises. There are no right or wrong emotions. As you let these feelings go you will feel more open to new opportunities.
Pick one area to start with and begin your spring cleaning today!
Monica Thakrar is a life coach focused on helping clients live a more balanced, joyful life. She helps clients achieve "wellness from the inside out." Take a free "How Stressed Are You" Quiz and receive 9 Stress Management tips FREE by signing up for it at Also sign up for a free Stress and Health Tele-summit at: Article Source: |
Monday, March 7, 2011
A Fascinating Conversation!!
What is our nature of existence?
There as many paths and natures as there are souls.
What if two souls are on the same path, is there a path empty somewhere?
No. Two souls can not take the exact same path. It may be very similar and headed for the same destination, but the journey will be different even if they meet along the way and share part of the journey.
This could be a deep discussion. We would love for you to share your thoughts. All comments are appreciated.
There as many paths and natures as there are souls.
What if two souls are on the same path, is there a path empty somewhere?
No. Two souls can not take the exact same path. It may be very similar and headed for the same destination, but the journey will be different even if they meet along the way and share part of the journey.
This could be a deep discussion. We would love for you to share your thoughts. All comments are appreciated.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Caring Can Be Wasteful
Photo by Robert S. Donovan
Today my husband and I did some grocery shopping. Our cashier was very sweet. She wanted to make sure that our bags were strong enough to carry our items. She began double bagging almost every bag. She said, "I am a double bagger. I hate having to chase my food and I figure other people feel the same way."
She was being caring towards her customers, but all I could think as she double bagged one after another was how damaging her kindness was to our Earth. She had no thought to the excess plastic she was sending on its way. She was only focused on human needs/desires. Unfortunately, I was unable to think of a kind and loving response quickly enough as these thoughts ran through my head - so we came home with twice as much wasted plastic. Of course, we can recycle those, but how many of her other customer's will just toss those bags right into the trash?
I appreciated her kindness. I just want kindness to All and not just humankind.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Know No Fear?
Photo by Damien Bouchard
Do not be hard on yourself for being fearful. Witness that fear, accept it for what it is - a message to you. You need to pay attention even if you choose to not let this fear hold you back. Be aware and mindful. Have compassion for yourself and your fear and then honor it.
To be couragous we must know fear.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Slow Down Today and Notice
Photo by Andres Rodriguez
Daily life can often be crazy busy. You may find yourself exhausted at the end of each day. It truly is important to take at least five to fifteen minutes just for you. Take this time to slow down and breathe. Let me offer you a couple of suggestions.
- Find a quiet space in your home. Sit comfortably either on the floor, in a chair or lie on the floor, on the sofa, or on your bed. Close your eyes and simply focus on your breathing - taking in slow breaths and releasing them slowly. If your mind wanders to anything other than your breath (it most likely will), just witness that and refocus on your breathing.
- Talk a relaxing walk and notice the little things around you. Maybe you will notice a tiny spider in her web. Maybe you will notice the intricate artwork around a door frame somewhere. Just be aware and open.
- If you are really pressed for time, do deep breathing while you are sitting here with your computer. Even if you don't close your eyes, focus on deep breaths - in and out .... at least ten times. Notice the temperature around you. Notice your fingers on your keyboard or mouse. Notice the lighting. Notice the little things.
Slowing down even if for only a few minutes can transform your day and you :)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Love - what is It?
Photo by Peter Graham
It is beyond true words. Love is infinite and cannot be described or truly comprehended by the human mind. But as we typically try to express through words while in human form - I LOVE YOU as many times over as there are waves in the ocean and stars in the universe.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Celebrate Change
Photo from Photoxpress - dinostock
In days gone by sacred rites of passage were an important part of a large number of cultures. Today, sadly, those sacred rituals have fallen by the wayside for most. What is a rite of passage you may ask. It is a ceremony or ritual that marks a special event or change in status for an individual. These can include births, marriage, death, attaining a certain age, etc. Examples of commonly recognized rites of passage include vision quests and bar mitzvahs. We have ceremonies such as graduations, but there is still a lack of celebration for the individual (for many anyway).
Consider changing this for yourself and your family. You could choose to have a special celebration or ritual each time a family member reaches a certain age (i.e. 10, 16, 40, 50). Or it might be when one learns to ride a bicycle, graduates high school or college, and so forth. Select a special way to celebrate this and repeat within your family for each family member on these occasions. You may just create a very special legacy by giving such a beautiful gift (not a present necessarily, but the ceremony itself) to your loved ones.
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