Shut off the TV and get a life! YES -- you heard me! Too many people just sit mindlessly in front of the television for hours each and every day.
YOUR BRAIN WAVES are affected by the non-interaction of simply watching the television. Studies have proven this. It changes them to low alpha waves and after too much time watching it you brain acutally becomes unfocused. Every time you watch your brain is affected.
Should you NEVER watch television? I am not suggesting that, but understand what happens to you if you watch too much. This is why it is so highly important that our children do not watch hours and hours of TV and videos!
Get a life -- spend you life living instead of sitting mindlessly in front of the tube and turning your brain into mush.
Photo by Alexey Arkipov
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
In With the New Out With the Old?
Should you listen to those older and wiser than you?
Does everyone older than you really know more?
Yes and No!
It does not matter if someone if older than you in this life. But, when you find someone who has been there and had a great many experiences in life - in particular, experiences that are similar to yours or similar to something you want to know more about - you should listen.
Not everyone is aware as they move through life. This means that many of our elders don't really understand - they don't know more. Or what they do know is based in fear. Passing on fear to our youth is not beneficial to anyone or to the Earth and nature.
In fact, our elders need to listen to our youth (and all that is in between) just as much as the youth should listen to our elders. Just becasue we listen does not mean that we except every word, thought or feeling. We need to take from other's wisdom and find what resonates within us -- what "ah ha" we can get from it.
So, spend some time with someone older than you AND spend some time with someone younger!!
Photo by Arkadiusz Jankowski
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What We Are Doing Here
Why are we doing this? What are we doing here? How did we get to this place?
In this podcast, we share with you a little bit of our story. Listen and learn more about us!
Monday, June 27, 2011
She's ONLY 5-years-old!!!!!!!
I don't care what country you are from or what your beliefs are :) This little girl has a voice that will give you goose bumps. What a beautiful and amazing Divine gift she has been given. She sings the Star-spangled Banner in this video.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
How God Tells You It's Time For Change
This short clip by Dr. Wayne Dyer could not be more true. It could not be more powerful to accept in your life. We know -- we lost everything -- but we gained soooo very much and we were able to make the huge life change and follow our dreams because of that "loss".
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Don't Touch Me Doc!!!
Warning: I am on a tangent!
A few days ago in the mail I received a brochure and a letter trying to convince me I had potential risks and that I should take the following tests!!! Stroke/Cartoid Artery Screening, Heart Rhythm Screening, Adbominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening, Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, and an Osteoporosis Risk Assessment! Did they just pick me at random? I have never had any issues! Ooooh, I am 40 now...oh my!
Come on now!! Why don't the doctor's just place the idea in our minds that we are going to have some terrible disease or attack shortly after we turn 50? Oh, wait -- that is what they are doing (at least those involved with this program). They aren't truly concerned about the health of people. They just want to make more money....they even have a package deal --- do all 5 screenings for around $150!
If they really cared, they would be supporting and promoting better nutrition, healthier ways to raise fruits and vegetables and they would encourage others to lessen their intake of red meat. Okay, sure sometimes we hear these things from Western medicine, but usually only after someone has already suffered from disease.
I refuse to pay them to poke and prod me for some health screen! I am focused on a healthy body, exercise, healthy foods that are right for my body, meditation, yoga, and living joyfully.
I am NOT saying that Western medicine is never an option! But, it should be used in combination with Eastern medicine and Wisdom. And, I strongly disagree with telling someone he is at a higher risk....placing the idea in someone's mind can very well draw that circumstance to the person because he now focuses on it!
We need to focus on optimal health and stop lounging in front of the television eating chips. Don't forget to stop eating all those greasy cheesburgers and fries! Once in a while? I think that may be okay, but not day in and day out! And for Heaven's sake don't believe you can just go get a screen, get a positive or negative review and then expect to keep eating junk and laying around!
Love your body and honor your body! Start treating it right today. It is the only one you've got for this life!
Shoo....stepping off of my soapbox now....
Phtoo by fotosergio
Friday, June 24, 2011
Do You Show the Real You to Others?
Can you show your true self to others? If so, who are those that you show your true self to? Often we find it necessary to push down our true selves to fit in whether it be in the work place, our community, at home, etc. And, yes, it is true that sometimes we must wear a "mask" to survive. Yet, it is vitally imporant that we don't forget who we are at the core. We need to be able to show our true selves to others as often as possible.
Now, I don't believe your true self is a grouchy, unpleasant person. Your true self is directly connected to your Soul if it is not actually your Soul. Your true self is who you are when you feel the greatest joy!
Take off the mask and look in the mirror!
Photo by Arkady Chubykin
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Never Walk Alone
Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are not alone -- not really. Love to ALL!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
What to Say???
Sometimes it is just hard to find something to have a conversation about. This often happens after a couple has been together for quite some time. Or maybe you are just tired of talking about work and the kids (if you have any). Of course, it can help you learn about a new partner as well.
Our new eBook gives you 100 questions/topics to talk about. You will not only find intriguing questions, but you will also find 100 awesome pictures as background to these conversation starters.
In a bookstore or library, what section do you go to first?
Were you friends or lovers first?
Get your copy of this book today and start talking!!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Childhood Playground
A couple of days ago I talked about going back to a special time in our lives -- a time that was important to us and that made us feel good.
Well, last week my husband and I took our youngest son to my old elementary school. I had not been there in eons. I was amazed at how small the school seemed now! It was funny to realize that some of the playground equipment was still the same -- just repainted and moved to a different part of the playground. Of course, back in the old days things were built to last :)
Interestingly enough some of the memories that came up for me while I was there were not pleasant ones. I never really liked school -- always earned good grades, but far too many of the kids I went to school with were not very nice. I walked around the school and passed the gym. It was almost an eerie feeling.
Ah, this is one of those places from my past I would prefer not to revisit very often :) Remember, it is okay to have those kinds of memories. And, it is also important to understand that sometimes we need to revisit them to deal with our may be the only way to heal them....but not always.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Updated eStore!!!
We just changed it and updated it. You will find numerous books and DVDs that we recommend. There are books on relationships, mind/body/spirit and family. We will add or change this often -- so check it out regularly. If you have any wonderful suggestions, let us know. We are always looking for something new to read or watch. We just might add it.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Strange Dates We Never Forget
21 years ago today
I officially opened my dance studio, which I owned for 15 years. I am always amazed that I never miss the anniversary of that opening. That date simply jumps off the calendar each and every year. What is even more amazing is that I sold the studio 6 years ago and the date still holds special meaning for me.
Is there a date that holds special meaning for you? Your first kiss? Your first date with your partner? Or something like the one I have mentioned above? I can actually take myself back to that time...feel what I was feeling then. If you believe the concept that there is no such thing as time and space outside of our human understanding, then you may be able to grasp that one can time-travel (mmm..a paradox by using those words - I know).
The point is what has held special meaning for you? Can you "go back" and feel it again? If it warms your heart and makes you smile, it can be a great experience occasionally.
*This is not a photo from my studio. Photo by Trisextil
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Trust....Can You?
Can you trust those around you?
Do you trust them?
Will they be there to support you no matter what?
Will they be there to catch you when you fall?
We all fall at some point or another and it is vital to our health that we have those around us who will catch us or at the very least pick us up afterward. Yet, trust does not come easily to many of us. We have been hurt time and time again in life. To fully trust others - we must first learn to trust ourselves. When we trust ourselves we will learn to trust our intuition about others; therefore, we will learn to trust others.
TRUST in YOU have the Divine backing you all the way.
Photo from Creative Commons
Friday, June 17, 2011
Heal Your Food and YOU!
Saying a blessing before a meal is a common practice for some, others think it is TOO religious for them.
I don't care if you are religious, spiritual, both, or neither. Well, I would love to see you reconnect with your spiriutality, but that is not my point here.
Intentionally offering a blessing or sending positive energy to your food ultimately blesses or fills you with positive energy as you consume this food. Our thoughts and spoken words all have vibrational energy...they are energy. When you send this positive vibration to your food you are filling yourself and/or your family with this healing energy too!
I like to place my hands just a few inches over my plate before I eat my meal. I often place my hand just over my cup after I have poured my water or tea too. I focus on healing energy and I feel inner peace.
Photo by Olaru Radian-Alexandru
I don't care if you are religious, spiritual, both, or neither. Well, I would love to see you reconnect with your spiriutality, but that is not my point here.
Intentionally offering a blessing or sending positive energy to your food ultimately blesses or fills you with positive energy as you consume this food. Our thoughts and spoken words all have vibrational energy...they are energy. When you send this positive vibration to your food you are filling yourself and/or your family with this healing energy too!
I like to place my hands just a few inches over my plate before I eat my meal. I often place my hand just over my cup after I have poured my water or tea too. I focus on healing energy and I feel inner peace.
Photo by Olaru Radian-Alexandru
Thursday, June 16, 2011
An Affirmation for You
"I am aware that I can have all that I desire. It is my birth right to have abundance and joy. I accept that prosperity is part of life and that I may receive it flowing freely toward me."
~Janelle Alex© 2011
Photo by Nicolas Launay
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Spiritual Coaching Now Available
We are now able to offer you
Non-religious coaching. We are open to all traditions!
Why Spiritual Coaching?
- You know there is more to life
- You want to find clarity in your life
- You are struggling with an issue
- You want to improve your relationship with your partner
- You want to (re)connect with your spirituality
- You need support
- You need someone to listen from the heart
- It is time to transform your life
What are some benefits of e-Coaching?
- Convenience - email on your schedule - no appointment setting
- Privacy - you can send emails from the privacy of your home
- The clock isn't ticking when replying - take your time
- Writing is therapeutic-writing your concerns/questions helps
- There is no nervousness about talking face-to-face
- A safe space for you to share your thoughts/feelings
- Our full attention as we work with you via secure email.
- Experience personal growth
- Experience spiritual growth
Spiritual Coaching Agreement
1. This is not therapy. It is a coaching session.
2. You will not be given a diagnosis.
3. You are at least 18 years of age.
4. You'll receive guidance to help you gain self-awareness and connect to your Spirit.
5. If you are feeling suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Photo from Photoxpress by mdb
Help! Someone Else is Driving!
We have inexperienced drivers in the house!!
It is true two of our sons are beginning to drive. One is old enough to be in driver's education and the other is beginning to drive the old truck in the field (he want's to learn how to drive a stick). This past week I picked up my step-son from his job. He hopped in the car and I asked, "Well, have you driven on the road yet?" His reply, "Yes." I asked if he wanted to drive home. He said, "You're going to let me drive!!!"
I might have gained a grey hair or two, but there is no better way to learn than to get behind the wheel and go for it. Of course, as with everything in life it is best and we learn much quicker if we have a loving teacher to guide us.
This experience is one of those times that I think people overlook as being spiritual. What a beautiful experience to watch our young men grow and become more confident. We are able to gently guide them and offer them suggestions and information on their new journey. These are special and beautiful moments that should not be missed. In these new endeavors as our sons display their vulnerability we have an opportunity to love and support them - an opportunity to build their confidence (not just in driving, but in themselves).
So, hang on because they are still going to take some of the turns too fast :)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Four-year-old Creates a Labyrinth
We often take our youngest son with us when we visit a local labyrinth. He loves walking through it. Of course, many times he loses patience and begins jumping here or there, but that is okay.
Today as I sat here working at my desk he took a pile of cards created a "labyrinth" on the floor next to me. He says to me, "Mommy, you have to walk through this..." I love the creativity pouring out of him...and the Divine Source flowing through him.
![]() |
Four-year-old's version |
Monday, June 13, 2011
ADHD...more connected than others?
A lot of people loved AC/DC! Why can't we embrace AD/HD?
Have you ever considered the possibility that those beautiful people who have been diagnosed with AD/HD may just, in fact, have a closer connection to the Divine than others? Why? You ask. Well, they connect with so many things at once. There is a constant flow of information pouring into them. It comes in so fast that they are not able to focus on just one thing. It swirls around them.
There is a common joke of, "oh, look a squirrel!". If you don't know what I am talking about, the joke is that as these beautiful people are in the midst of a conversation or studying something or reading or watching a show they suddenly (seemingly out of the blue to others) say, "Oh, look a squirrel!" and then they are suddenly back to their original focus or they are off onto a completely different subject. It does happen and though we may joke about it it is truly not a joke. But, I don't want to get off on a tangent here.
What I want is for you to consider that those with AD/HD and maybe even those who are borderline may very well have maintained a closer connection to Spirit when they came into this life than the "average Joe." That doesn't make them weird, sick, have a deficiency, or be difficult!! If you ask me, it makes them exceptional and amazingly special instead!
(Please note that I understand that some with AD/HD really do need some medication to help them, but at the same time we need to truly be aware and not just dope up people because we think they need "help".)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Open the Window!
Summer is here! Summer is here! Well, technically it will not be here for another few days! But, the weather is warm and bright and sunny and warm! Yes, I know I said "warm" twice. This year it seemed like the cold of winter hung on for far too long.
So every morning lately I have opened the window when I sat down to work. Sure, by late afternoon it gets really HOT and I have to give in and turn on the air conditioner, but until then I get to enjoy the beautiful fragrance of nature wafting into my home and into my office in particular. There is simply no better way to work than to have the sun shining in throught the windows, to hear the birds chirping, to feel the gentle breeze, and to smell the flowers and the fresh cut grass. Actually, if I could just sit outside in the midst of nature that would probably be the most amazing, but opening my window welcomes nature to come inside!
Is it warm outside? Is it a clear day? GREAT! What are you waiting for? Open your window.
Photo from Creative Commons
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Drunk Soul?
Have you ever been drunk? Have you ever felt a little tipsy? You can have that feeling without alcohol...without any outside source.
You can feel so joyous and so full of light and love that you feel drunk. You are excited and thrilled...happy beyond measure without the side effects of alcohol or drugs.
All you need to do is open yourself up to your Spirit and connect with your Soul. Connect with the Divine in your daily life and you will easily find reasons to be happy for nothing other than to be happy. You will not be able to stop yourself from dancing through the store or down the street. You won't be able to stop smiling.
Just open your heart :)
Photo by Marco Uberti
Friday, June 10, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I Hear You, but am I listening?
Yes, you hear them talking to you, but are you really listening? Are you truly present in the moment and paying attention?
Far too often we zone out those who are talking to us. It may be our co-workers, bosses, or even clients. Even more importantly is far too often that we are really present and listening to our partners, family and friends. We sit there and hear their words, but we aren't listening. We don't feel their words. We don't allow their words to move through us and notice what we are feeling in response to their words.
Today you can change that. Pay attention to what is being said to you. Pay attention to your reaction. Pay attention. It can change your relationship :)
Photo by circotasu
Far too often we zone out those who are talking to us. It may be our co-workers, bosses, or even clients. Even more importantly is far too often that we are really present and listening to our partners, family and friends. We sit there and hear their words, but we aren't listening. We don't feel their words. We don't allow their words to move through us and notice what we are feeling in response to their words.
Today you can change that. Pay attention to what is being said to you. Pay attention to your reaction. Pay attention. It can change your relationship :)
Photo by circotasu
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
1/2 Over or Just Started?
Today is Wednesday - at least it is for me...I supposed it depends on what day you are reading this :)
I want to ask you something though. Is your week half over or has it just started for you? Are you wishing the rest of the week would hurry up and go away? Or, are you enjoying each and every day as an opportunity?
Wishing your life (even if only a couple days of it) away means you will miss some very important opportunties for growth and learning! Just remember that dear ones.
Photo by MonkeySimon
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
A HUGE SPIDER! or is it?
On our (working) mini-vacation a couple of weekends ago we also encountered some amazing and huge bugs!!! I grew up believing a Daddy Long Legs was a spider. Well, guess what? It is not....apparently it is not a spider or an insect...don't ask me what it is. I just know it is a Daddy Long Legs!
If you would like to see these amazing bug art sculptures, click on the above link to find out where and how. AND, you will get to see more pictures. They are gorgeous. There is even a 20-foot tall praying mantis!
Again, we can see the sacredness as we consider the love the sculptor put into his work. This offered us an opportunity to consider the world a bit differently as we weren't giants - instead the bugs were :-)
Something that really touched me was our youngest son posing for a photo...for no apparent reason he chose to put his palms together and bow his head. Perhaps, he was honoring this magical place as it was most certainly magical to him.
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Money Blues
At some point in your life you’ve felt down. Probably more than once. Somebody you cared about may have had a misfortune, your heart was broken, a health issue stopped you cold in your tracks or you had a financial disaster. Nobody is immune to feeling blue.
But the problem is when you get stuck there for longer than necessary. I once had the money blues for over a year and it wreaked havoc on my overall quality of life. I was there for waaaay too long. I’d become a victim to the circumstance and it stole my confidence. For the first time in my eighteen years as an entrepreneur, I didn’t know if I would recover.
Of course, I did recover and I came back better than ever. If I had to do it again, would I? HELL, NO! However, if I had to it again, I would’ve approached it very differently. I would’ve fest up to myself, and others, how I really felt.
I didn’t start out feeling blue or depressed. I began with a feeling of being out of control and a little nervous. I had been so focused on a personal issue at the time, that I was paying little attention to my business. By the time I noticed, I was going broke fast.
I’d always been able to quickly recover from a financially slow month or two, but this had gone out of control. I was charging my groceries and everyday needs on a credit card and it was at its limit. My emotions quickly went into panic mode and of course, that’s no good for attracting new money. The more I focused on my urgent need for money, the more helpless I felt. I let my emotions consume me, therefore I was stuck in a holding pattern.
What I highly recommend if you have the money blues (or any other type of blues) is to take a step back and see what is happening from a meta-view. When I stepped outside of my emotions, what I saw was a previously successful business owner who was beating herself up, I put the whip down.
Next, I created a spreadsheet of all my debt, monthly expenses and began tracking my income. I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty, but I needed to face the situation rather than running from it. When I got a grasp on the severity of my financial snapshot, I surrendered to it. I was broke, had no creativity or inspiration in sight and no idea how to make a comeback.
I created a couple of new daily habits to support my finances and business. The most important thing I did was to commit to myself that I was going to pay off the debt and get back into making a profit. My plan was minimal, because I really didn’t know what actions I could take to create financial peace at that time, with my current perspective.
I can say now that having that financial crisis was a blessing because I now know the power of making a solid decision. My decision to move forward served me well. In less than a year, the debt was at zero and I was back into six-figures.
My advice to anybody with the blues is…
Allow yourself to feel the pain but not for so long that it swallows you whole and spits you back out
Look at the reality of the moment head on. Tell the truth.
Drop any judgment. You’re human so “stuff happens”. Even if you’ve had the blues longer than I did, so what?! It is what it is. You’re still a rockstar under the blue costume.
Make the decision to move toward an outcome. Something that will empower you and that’d you’d feel thrilled about arriving.
Create a few new habits or structures that you will practice to support the journey to somewhere fresh and alive (cuz blue feels dead).
Give it time. You may see or feel relief in days. Or it may be weeks. But it will come. I felt better in less than a month and soon thereafter I literally began finding and attracting large sums of money…where there was none before. If I didn’t know about Law of Attraction, it might’ve freaked me out!
Feeling down on your luck for any length of time truly does suck. It can impact your self-worth, health and relationships. Do yourself a favor and take back the reigns of your life. Your power is not far if you’ll just reach for it.
© 2011 Master Peace Coaching
Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur:
Photo by lixai from photoxpress
Sunday, June 5, 2011
A Castle in Ohio?
YES! A Castle in Ohio, USA - Chateau Laroche in Loveland, OH! The man, Harry Andrews, who built it had a heavy interest in knights and castles. He served in World War I as a nurse and didn't agree with modern warfare.
He regularly had friends coming to his little neck of the words to fish on the little river, which the castle overlooks, and just hang out. The called themselves the Knights of the Golden Trail. Their only vows were the ten commandments, which just so happen to be inlaid into one of the walls inside the castle.
Also, in the castle walls are a large number of rocks and stones from all over the world. We were unsure if these were all places that Mr. Andrews had personally visited, but no matter, it was really neat to see them throught the castle randomly placed in the block.
The winding steps up to the second and third floors as well as to the dungeon were quite treacherous (stone steps with alternating heights). But, my understanding is that they were built that way on purpose to slow the process of intruders. Didn't make it easy to navigate in flip-flops and with a nervous pre-schooler, but it was well worth it.
This is a very interesting place to visit. When we first found it we didn't consider how sacred it was, but upon visiting and learning about the story we came to realize it was a very sacred place to him, and his "knights" were a very sacred group. Mr. Andrews also taught Sunday School at the castle for a number of years.
Perhaps the old guy was eccentric, but the place was certainly deeply important to him and his fellow "knights". When he died in 1981 he left the property to be taken care by the KOGT (Knights of the Golden Trail).
Keep your eyes, your hearts, and your minds open. You just might come to find out how spiritual and sacred things that may seem odd or eccentric to you are to other people.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sacred Site - Serpent Mound
This past weekend we took a short little trip with our boys to visit a couple of sacred sites that are within a few hours of our home. Our plans included some places along the Ancient Ohio Trail. Amazingly not only did we visit some of those, but we found a couple of hidden treasures along the way – a castle and an art display of giant bugs (which I will share with you tomorrow)! Our trip certainly connected us to the sacred.
Serpent Mound is considered the most famous effigy in the world. Found in the rural southern corner of Ohio, USA it was built by a people oddly named “Fort Ancient”. Native American Indians built mounds and geometric earthworks throughout this area in Ohio as well as other areas. The Serpent Mound was not a burial mound. Instead it was designed so that the head of the Serpent faced the summer solstice sunset and other various points of the body “pointed” to other times such as maximum southern moonset. It is believed that this mound was used for ceremonial purposes.
It was quite amazing to experience something that was built by a people from many hundreds of years ago. There is most certainly a “feeling” at Serpent Mound. The exact purpose of Serpent Mound is not known - there is only speculation. Some have suggested it is evil, that does not seem to be the strongest consensus. We did not sense a negative feeling, but we felt something. There is no way to describe it.
We also visited an area simply called Fort Ancient. The mounds and earthen walls were built by the Hopewell Indians, but it is not believed that it was ever a “fort” or used for defense. They built walls, ramps, mounds, and monumental gateways. As you can see in the photo above many of their mounds were covered with rock slabs. We were unable to see some of Fort Ancient because it requires strenuous hiking and we had our four-year-old with us. Yet, we had an amazing adventure.
The Native Americans lived such a different life and we are thankful that their history is being preserved for future generations. So much of their life revolved around ceremony and spirit. Perhaps because they were so close to the Earth and so connected with nature they understood how to build earthworks that were like a calendar (Serpent Mound).
Ancient cultures seemed to be so much more “connected” than we are today. Have you ever wondered why that is? They trusted in their spiritual beliefs for one thing. I tend to think they trusted in what they knew from their inner guidance as well – something that far too many people today ignore.
So, today maybe you should listen to your inner take a good look around you...see what you can see.
Photos by Rob Alex
Friday, June 3, 2011
Just What Does God Want?

What does God want?
For many people that answer will be startling.
Even for those who aren’t completely surprised, the answer will be dramatically different. It will not even come close to the ideas that people usually hear about God.
Humanity’s ideas about God produce humanity’s ideas about life and about people. Dramatically different ideas about God will produce dramatically different ideas about life and about people. If the world could use anything right now, that’s it.
We stand today on the brink of a global cultural war. The opening volleys have already been exchanged. The really major clashes, the unthinkable FutureWorld battles, may be yet to come.
Given the direction in which humanity appears to be moving, it may seem as though this larger conflict is inevitable. It isn’t. There’s something very powerful that can stop it: dramatically different ideas about God and dramatically different ideas about life and about people.
Such ideas, if accepted and adopted, will produce dramatically different ways of living and being. Values will change. Priorities will change. Power structures and power-holders will change.
When all is said and done what will change…or, at least, what could change…is humanity’s Cultural Story. And that is what we are “up to” here at The Global Conversation. We are “up to” changing our Cultural Story; proposing and co-writing, with you, a new one.
Are you up to this with us? If so, stick around here now….visit this blogsite often…because I am going to be offering you here a new idea — actually, many new ideas — surrounding what our New Cultural Story could look like.
Chief among these are our ideas about What God Wants.
I think that we desperately need to change our thoughts about that. Now for people who really want things to stay the way they are, this could be a dangerous idea. Because the new idea that is going to be proposed here could change everything. And change can be a dangerous thing to suggest, not only around people of power (to whom change is the ultimate threat), but also around ordinary people (for whom change is threatening simply because it leads to the unknown).
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore had it exactly right in a September, 2004 interview in The New Yorker: “In a world of disconcertig change, when large and complex forces threaten familiar and comfortable guideposts, the natural impulse is to grab hold of the tree trunk that seems to have the deepest roots and hold on for dear life and never question the possibility that it’s not going to be the source of your salvation.”
The final part of that sentence (italics mine) tells the tale of humanity’s belief about God and life in 15 words. Mr. Gore confirms this with his next statement. “And the deepest roots,” he says, “are in philosophical and religious traditions that go way back.”
Al Gore’s insight leaves us all facing a thunderous question: Is the way forward to be found by going way back?
The answer is, no.
And while, as the former Vice President notes, we never question the possibility that our philosophical and religious traditions are not going to be the source of our salvation—presumably because we feel threatened by such questioning—could there be times when not to question those traditions presents an even larger threat?
The answer is, yes. And this is one of those times.
So stick around. Come back here every other day at least. We’re going on a roller coaster ride — and you’re in the front car!
(FROM THE NDW RESOURCES & INFORMATION TEAM: The commentaries here are being excerpted from the book What God Wants, by Neale Donald Walsch. To discuss, in person with Neale, the ideas presented here, you may wish to join The Messengers’ Circle, a subscription service at In the Reader’s Forum at that location Neale is able to respond to postings individually, as there are generally far fewer of them. The Messengers’ Circle is a fee-for-service offering for those who choose to commit time and resources to become serious students of the CWG material.)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Energies of June
Hasn't it been an interesting year so far? And it has gone by quickly, as we are now entering the sixth month of 2011 and are only six months away from the beginning of 2012. So far this year we've seen unprecedented demands for social and political reform, unusual weather that includes some of the most devastating storms in a century, and the revelation of financial and political misdeeds that will continue for the rest of this year. And that's just what is happening in the world, much more is happening with in our own lives. What's going to happen next?
June is going to be an exciting month with three eclipses, starting June 1 and the Solstice June 21. Whenever a month begins with an eclipse we can expect powerful transformation. The June 1 eclipse is in Gemini, a sign that rules communication-expect some revelations about the media industry and demands for change. The eclipse of June 17 conjuncts the Galactic Center, the powerful midpoint of our galaxy, the unfolding center of our galaxy. The July 1 eclipse aspects Pluto, which is creating the kind of social and political disruption last seen in the 1770s, its previous transit through Capricorn, inspired by our new energies, self awareness and desire for connection. And we have the Solstice on June 21, bringing in powerful, extreme emotional energies. There is no more middle of the road, we must choose our path.
We are being pushed to being in integrity with ourselves and each other, recognizing our connection as the family of humanity. We may feel challenged on every level as we strive to assert our truth but that is because we feel we have to create, move and carry the energy and light of transformation. What if we assert our truth without the fear that challenges will be present at every turn? What if we just assume that we already are what we wish to become and powerfully assert our desires within the context of that knowing? Can we remember that we work with the Universe as co-creators? Are we going to live our lives in fear or in our truth? We can always find something to be afraid of but if we refuse to be in fear, then fear has nothing to connect to and it simply goes away.
That is a big choice for all of us as we enter this powerful month. We can be our pain or our power, our truth or in denial. We can try to fight the darkness or remember that it also has a place in the grand scheme of ascension. The beautiful stars we see in the night sky still shine in the daytime, we just can't see them because of the light of the sun. What beauty lies within our darkness that the light can reveal? We are spiritual warriors but our weapon is not the sword, it is our truth, our faith, our knowing and our commitment to the light. What can you transform in your life to be more powerful? What can you transform within yourself to release your fears? June will bring opportunities to express your truth and when you take them, you allow the light to be your sword that will reveal your path through the darkness and into a higher and greater truth
Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.
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