Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Great Bumper Sticker!

Photo by Phil Denton

A very dear friend of mine has a bumper sticker on his car that says,

"We are Spiritual Beings having a Physical Experience"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Your Spiritual Family

Photo by zaphad1 via flickr

For much of my life I have repeatedly wondered just where in the heck the rest of us are?  I had close friends growing up, but still felt that I was missing so many others.  I can’t say that I understood that, but I just knew there was more to my life and more members of my Spiritual Family out there somewhere. 
I have encountered a few of those beautiful beings over the years, but in the past year I have been blessed to find so many more of my Spiritual Family.  They are spread out all over the world, but the connection we share is truly beyond this human experience.  Today I honor those in my life and the special expereinces I have had this past year. 
When you feel that connection to someone be witness to it.  The other party may or may not recognize you as well – it just depends on where he/she is on his/her journey.  And, the prospect of knowing someone from Home and having shared past lifetimes is often a topic few are willing to broach. 
I have come to find that most importantly I want share love and compassion with the world and when I am able to connect with my spiritual brothers and sisters I rejoice – and hopefully, they recognize me and rejoice as well.     

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happiness - Rumi


is more precious
than wealth;
May millions of
mercies rain on
your dancing!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Yellow is Wisdom, Enthusiasm and Joy

Photo by Zest-pk

It can mean:








Thursday, February 17, 2011

A trip to the hospital? What does it really mean?

Photo by Daquella Manera

Okay, so the physical body clearly is experiencing some sort of crisis or you wouldn’t be spending time in the hospital.  But, let’s look at the hospital as symbolism.
There are numerous floors and more than one way to get to each floor.  There are numerous hallways and a variety of ways to traverse these halls.  Then, of course, there are a huge number of rooms and a large assortment of different types of rooms – offices, patient rooms, labs, storage rooms, operating rooms, recovery rooms, emergency rooms and so forth.  There are so many ways to enter the hospital not only the physical ways such as the doors, but the reasons that you enter – a patient, a visitor, a health care provider, a janitor, a volunteer, an office worker, etc.
What if the hospital represents life or one’s journey through life?  There are so many reasons to enter into life.  There are a huge variety of choices to make – which room you are searching for, which direction you will take to locate it, whether or not you enter some doors and avoid others, some areas you are not allowed access to at this point in your life, the Chapel is somewhere (looking for the Divine). 
Just think about this.  Can you relate this to your life?  Have you experienced illness or emergencies that force you through some doors that you did not feel prepared for?  How will you find your way out?  Will you allow yourself to return there or what will you do to protect against a return?  Our spiritual and emotional health is directly related to our physical health.  The body holds and reflects that which we experience spiritually and emotionally.  When we suffer physically we must take notice so that we can heal not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally.   

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Honey, Not Tonight. I Have a Headache.

Recently, I was sitting at lunch with a group of my closest friends when one of the men said something like, “Women can multi-task. Right?” to the women. We responded with smiles and, “Yes, of course.” Then he asked, “Then why can’t they have sex and a headache at the same time?”

This certainly wasn’t where I thought the conversation was going in the beginning. I shared that my dear hubby likes to suggest to me that it will relieve my headache – if I have one. We further shared with my dear friend that it truly becomes a choice and depends on how bad the headache is.

Photo by Julia Britvich

I have thought further on this idea and now want to be more mindful the next time this happens to me. What do I have a headache from? Stress? Too many things on my agenda? Worried about others? Not taking time for me? Can love-making really relieve that particular headache by producing enough feel-good hormones and release enough stress? And, then there is the Divine connection that can occur during love-making – that can take away much suffering.

The point being – next time you just don’t feel like doing “it” consider why instead of just curling up under the blankets and going to sleep. You may be surprised by what comes to you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Journey is a Labyrinth

Photo from Creative Commons

Life is filled with complexities.  Labyrinths are filled with complexity.  One’s spiritual journey is filled with complexity.  Yet, all have a similar core that when the layers are peeled away may seem simpler than at first understood.   As we wander through the labyrinth we may take time to pause and reflect as the twists and turns flow smoothly.  These smooth turns do not always seem so smooth to us due to our human nature.  If one rushes through all the aspects of the maze within the labyrinth, he/she will experience a great tragedy as vibrantly important lessons and opportunities for expansion will be missed. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Circle of Life - Circle of Love

A dear friend of mine shared this on his Facebook page and I felt compelled to share it here.  Loving all of you...loving All!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love Flows

Photo by Jeremy Deades

Love flows like a river twisting and turning
not letting anything stop it.
So beats my heart.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Shake the Winter Blues with Snow Angels

Photo by Jody Digger

Do you remember getting the winter blues as a child? I can almost guarantee that you cannot. The reason you did not get the winter blues as a child was because you loved the winter as much as spring and summer. What happened? You got older and found yourself a lot more in demand, you may have a job and you may be a parent or spouse.

When you find yourself home and free from work for the day, bundle up and gather the kids if they are home with you, and a spouse. If you are alone, you can enjoy this as much alone as having others with you. Now, what am I talking about? I am talking abut getting outside and making snow angels in the snow. You did it as a child and thought it was great fun didn't you? Now that your an adult what is different? The only thing that has probably changed is you have gotten older and maybe put on a little weight like a lot of Americans do when they age.

Making snow angels is so much fun, heck anyone can do it, from age 3 to 93, don't let your old age thoughts stop you from having fun, who cares what the neighbors think, if you have close neighbors, just get out and have fun. If you have a digital camera take a few photos of your snow angels, print one out and place it on your refrigerator to remind you of your happy time, and when the spouse or kids come home you can show the photo to them, in case your snow angel has melted or filled in with fresh snow.

If you do find the winter blues creeping in your life this season, why not just bundle up and get outside and turn this cold, bleak time of year, into a fun time by making snow angels, it's not just a great activity for enjoyment, but it's great to help shake the winter blues.

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Luzerna Solon, has worked in the field of depression and other aspects involving the Winter Blues for a number of years. She has counseled thousands over the years, and has helped them remove the winter blues from their life with simple activities.

Winter Activities

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spiritual Education

Every so often I wish to offer you a couple of different options to higher education that you may not know about.  Today I will share three with you.

Ananda College for Living Wisdom - HIGHER EDUCATION FOR HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS™  A very different setting than a typical college.  I have not studied there, but it sounds like a fascinating experience.

Institute of Transpersonal Psychology - Graduate Education that integrates spirituality with psychology.  They have global programs, low-residency programs, and residential programs.  This is where I am completing my graduate education. 

University of Metaphysical Sciences - They bring "professionalism to the field of metaphysics."  This is the school where my husband is completing a degree. This a distance program.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another 3-year-old insight

Photo by Nina Hergarten

The innocent insight of a three-year-old child can be amazing.  They are so open and more willing to be their true selves.  The world has not warped their sense of selfworth yet and typically they are not afraid to speak their beliefs or the things they just know.  On the way to school this morning my little one told me, "Mommy, we are all angels."  I asked how he knew that and he said, "I don't know.  I just know."  We have not discussed angels with him.  So, his insight, his belief, his knowledge leaves me in awe.  I may not perceive things exactly the same as he does, but I agree that we are all divine and deeply connected spiritually. 

Today (and truly everday) share angelic love with others!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valet or Delay ? The sweet confusion of a 3-year-old.

Photo from Creative Commons

Today I just wanted to share a cute mix-up that my youngest son made.  This morning he asked me if the school has a valet?  I asked him to repeat what he said.  Then realized he wanted to know if they had a delay :-) 

We have had more snow in our area this year than we have had in decades and my children have had many school delays.  My son's mispronunciation is one of those sweet moments when we need to stop and smile and feel the warmth inside of us. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

This is a great book!

There are many paths to enlightenment and to connect with your divine spirituality.  After great theological study, David Robert Ord shares a perspective of Jesus and his message that not many grasp.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Find Your Joy and Share It!

This unique book makes for a fabulous gift for weddings, bridal showers, anniversaries or just because.  Or buy one for yourselves. 

There is space for over 25 couples to share something special (a special story or how they met i.e.) about their relationship.  Then, they pass it on to another couple.  When the last couple fills in their story or note they mail it back to the original couple.  Of course, if you give this as a gift, you can get the book filled from couples prior to giving it away. 

Be creative and share love with others! 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Expanding Your Spiritual Growth Through Study

Photo by Paul Trafford

There are a number of ways to expand your spiritual growth.  One of those ways is to study various religions and traditions.  You can start by studying the most popular traditions and faiths such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islamic, or Hinduism.  But, please understand that there are a huge number of other traditions and religions.  Many are branches of others, but still have different beliefs, rituals and holidays.  There are as many paths to God, to the Divine, to the Great Spirit, to the Universe, to the Creator, to the collective unconscious as there are souls. 
Ultimately, I believe the core factors of spirituality are loving others, caring for others, offering compassion, being true to who you are and sharing joy.  Those five things can change your life, the lives of those around you and the world.  If you do these things, you will undoubtedly feel your connection to spirit.    

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tips for Nurturing Your Child's Spiritual Development

Photo by babasteve

1. As a part of the early introduction and orientation to a child's chosen faith, a discussion on the existence of children of other faiths, and why they should not be feared nor dominated, but simply respected, should be had.

PURPOSE: This investment at an early age will mitigate the confusion and possible fears that may occur when the child unexpectedly and abruptly comes face-to-face with a child of another faith. This orientation will have to come at some point, and an effort on the part of the parents enables some modicum of control over how this message is conveyed.

2. As a normal course of 'after school conversation,' probe the child to see if there are any children in their classes that they are slightly uncomfortable with, or have questions of. Whether this leads to a discussion of spiritual diversity, or simply the possibility of a bully or other like situation, the end result is only positive.

PURPOSE: To proactively assist your child in the orientation to children of other faiths and other differences in general.

3. In the formative years of pre-k, participate in reading children's stories that use the 'meeting a strange character' as their plot, and talk about it with the child as you read through the story. Pose questions such as, 'have you ever met someone that seemed strange at first, but once you got to know him...'

PURPOSE: This type of conversation lays the foundation for a discussion on spiritual diversity at a later age. At this point, you are simply teaching the lessons of respect and understanding, life-long principles that are timeless.

4. Advance the premise of # 3 to reading stories that actually do touch on spiritual diversity. This may be a bit self serving in that the only entity that we are aware of that has attempted to broach this subject in this manner is Little Lamb Properties.

PURPOSE: This is simple the process of maturing the spiritual development of the child as they start putting form and shape to children of other faiths.

5. When the time is right, and IF the child shows an interest and aptitude - and only you, the parent can decide this - a discussion and overview of the major faiths in the world may be appropriate. In the process, a discussion of why the parents have chosen the faith that they have will come to light. It is suggested that this conversation may be more appropriate in a group session led by someone who has some familiarity with the subject.

PURPOSE: To develop the child's appreciation and identification with their own faith, while continuing and solidifying the message of spiritual respect and compassion for children of other faiths.


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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Your Song

Photo by amlet

Feeling creative?  Feeling really happy?  Feeling down?  Grab a pen and paper and start writing.  Focus on a theme (your child, your love, love in general, joy in the world, poverty, etc.) and let the words flow out of you.  If you can play an instrument, perhaps you can write the music too.  If not, don’t worry.  This is just for you to let some of the things that are inside of you out.  You don’t need to share this with anyone – unless you want to of course.  Just let your inner self sing. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feeling Sleepy?

Photo by Chris Hart

It is important to listen to your body, but are you interpreting the messages correctly?  This is a very deep subject, but for today I am just going to focus on feeling sleepy. 
You may be sitting at your desk working away.  You may be in a meeting.  You may even be driving.  Suddenly, you feel your eyelids drooping and you just want to doze off.  It is quite possible that you truly need more sleep, but it may also be possible that your body is saying, “Hey!  I need some activity please.”  There are a few things to try other than giving in to sleep without really listening to see if your body is asking for something else. 
Try some of these ideas:
1.       Take a brisk 5-10 minute walk.
2.       Stand up, stretch, and take at least 5 deep breaths.  Take your time inhaling and exhaling.
3.       Eat a small snack filled with protein – a handful of almonds or walnuts or a cup of yogurt.
4.       Avoid the candy bars and sodas.
5.       Drink water – even slight dehydration can make you feel tired.
6.       Meditate – even if it is for only five minutes it can revitalize you.
7.       Take a 10-15 minutes power nap.
8.       Sit up straight – no slouching.
9.       Play some upbeat music.
10.   Light a citrus or peppermint candle or put on peppermint lotion.