Tuesday, May 31, 2011

FREE !! Love & Hugs

Yesterday's post reminded me of a couple of clips I shared with you in other posts in the past.  I wanted to share them with you again.

FREE HUGS http://bit.ly/mdOdtd

What if the world was just an illusion? http://bit.ly/iHL9G5

Enjoy :) and have a fabulous holiday weekend (Memorial Day Weekend in US).

Loving you ALL!

Photo by Peter Baxter

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Sacred Contract or A Poker Hand

Okay, today I am going to share with you some of my views as to whether or not we come into this life with a sacred contract (a plan) or if we are simply dealt a hand of cards and we get what we get.  I do not find it necessary for others to agree with my views.  What is important is what resonates with you and what feels right to you.  Well all different paths to follow.  With that being said, here goes:

I have sensed somewhere inside of me (my ego?, my Soul? - don't know) that we do come here with a purpose - a blueprint, if you will, that can be altered as we live this life.  I don't believe that it is set in stone per se, but I believe it is devised as a guideline to the lessons and experiences that may appear in this life.  Whether or not we choose to learn from the lessons is another matter completely -- the ego may well lead us in a different direction than our Soul. 

But, isn't that part of the lesson on this journey - learning how to integrate the ego self and the authentic self to a point that we can trust in the authentic self and listen to our inner voices and the call of our Soul and of Spirit? 

My perception is that it is possible (ah, the anything is possible question again) that we "meet" with members of our spiritual family and with members of a "council" and go over the things we experienced in previous lives and what we need to achieve or experience in the next incarnation so that we "pass" the class. 

If we fail a required class in school, we must retake it before we can take other courses or move onto a higher level.  For me, it feels similar to our incarnations.  When we sign up for a course in school, we most likely only have a brief summary and overview of what that class is about - unless we have taken the class before.  We may be surprised by what we learn or are supposed to learn in the class. 

And, in fact, we may find ourselves in class thinking, "What the hell am I doing here?  This isn't what I signed up for!  Who are these people?  They aren't my friends!"  Then maybe we switch classes or we somehow get through that one and take a different one where we think, "Thank God!  All of my friends are here!  This is the stuff I like to study and I understand it." 

I certainly don't believe that the slate is wiped clean and we get a fresh start each time.  And, I don't think that we can just blissfully write up a new sacred contract or new blueprint during this life.  Human life is not a joy ride and by choosing to take it on we choose to go through deep spiritual work - whether or not we know it. 

Photo by Geomangio

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Your Soul is Calling

Cari Murphy is a beautiful soul!  I am thrilled to say that I will be working with her over the next few weeks as I finish developing our new eCourse, Introducing You to the True You.  Cari is a best-selling author.  Her books are filled with amazingly insightful and life changing content.  She is also a soul success and business coach.  If you have not read her books, you have missed out in my opinion. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

See Sacred Sites

Kids are out of school!!!  We are headed out to take a trip only the Ancient Ohio Trail.  http://www.ancientohiotrail.org/index.html  We are very much looking forward to visiting and experiencing many sacred sites along this trail.  We will share photos and our experience with you when we get back! 

Find a sacred site near you and take the time to visit it.

Photo by berriehol

Friday, May 27, 2011

Death Is NOT the End or Is It?

Do you believe death is the end?  Once you die it is just lights out...kaput?  Or do you believe that you go to heaven and have a perfectly beautiful and happy eternity?  Or do you believe that you will incarnate again and live another life?

Your reaction to an upcoming death and the actual death itself is greatly affected by your beliefs of what happens afterwards. 

For some believing that there is nothing after physical death this may instill fear or just the opposite because if there is nothing afterward then you had better live it up while you can!

If you are trying to get into Heaven then, you probably believe you had better behave and "get saved".

If you believe in reincarnation, you may also believe in karma, which brings about a whole different discussion.

Personally, I don't care what you believe in.  Instead, what matters to me is that you live a fulfilling life with as much love and joy as you can. 

Love yourself, love others.  Trust yourself, trust others.  Care for yourself, care for others!

Photo by Przemyslaw Koroza

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

John Edwards - What really happend...

John Edwards is facing criminal charges.  Do you think he is facing spiritual "charges" as well?  Whatever he did or why he did can truly only really be known by him.  BUT WHY? 

If he truly used campaign funds to hide an affair or for any personal gain, then yes he should suffer the consequences of the law and make compensation in whatever form the law chooses to see fit.  But, what he really needs more than anything is spiritual healing.  He needs emotional healing. 

For those that hurt others, whether it is violent crime or white-collar crime, there must be a reason.  And, it is not just that this person is a jerk.  That kind of an attitude will not help anyone.  We cannot help others, we cannot protect others, we cannot heal others, if all we ever do is attack the "attacker". 

No one else can ever know what really happened or why.  So do not judge him - his actions must be judged at some point, but not the man, not the Soul. 

We are ALL a part of one another and by judging him you are judging yourself. 

*Note - I do not support John Edwards or his behavior, but I am making a choice not to judge him. 

Difference between Soul and Spirit

There is a difference between the Ego, the Soul and the Spirit.  This is Sonia Choquette's view of the difference between Soul and Spirit.

Oh No! It is Contagious!

Have you offered a smile to anyone today?  I regularly find myself trying to get my teenagers to smile...sometimes these young men just don't want to admit that Mom and Dad really are cool and we are funny.  Other times these beautiful souls crack up laughing.  But, no matter what if we offer a smile at them or at the cashier at the grocery, the smile is contagious according to David R Hamilton.  Watch this clip to see why.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Should Kids Conform?

Yesterday's post about letting our inner child out made me think of something very important.  Where does our inner child go?  Well, think about it.  Many teachers, parents, peers, ministers, law enforcement, etc. push us into slots and label us and tell us to stop doing this, don't do that, we shouldn't be this way or that.  From the time we are small children we get labeled and pushed to conform.  Should we just go WILD and do whatever we want whenever we want?  Perhaps not, but it really should be up to you and you using your discretion wisely while considering the impact on others.

This really stands out to me because our youngest is a very outgoing little guy and loves to dance around, jump about, and run rampant in stores (oh let me say that is challenging sometimes).  It is important to keep him safe and try not to annoy others to no end :)  Amazingly when he walks into his preschool he clams up and barely speaks to his teachers.  He did this from day one last year and this year.  We kept thinking he would open up as the year went on, but nope.  His teacher has been upset over it and has "talked" to me many times about it.  I finally had to make it very clear to her that as long as he is not hurting anyone physically or emotionally then I am not concerned.  I don't want my kids to shut off who they are and conform any more than necessary to survive in society.  

So, let them jump in puddles - jump in puddles yourself.  Don't insist that others shut off who they really are.  And, allow yourself to shine -- your true self :)   

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Neighbors May Think We are Crazy

CRAZY MAN!  Aaaaa....  Well, not really!  He was just playing around with the kids' foam swords.  We should all let the kid in us out more often.  Now you might ask why do the neighbor's think we are crazy.

Well, I don't know that they do, but if they saw us skip/dancing around our entire yard and house last night with our youngest they probably do :)  And you know what, that is okay!  So, today let your silly side out and have a blast.

Oh, by the way, beware of what pictures you let your family take of you..... hehehe....hahaha...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Relationship with my computer?

Okay this post might not quite be what you thought it was going to be about, but I am telling you that my computer wants my attention.  That must be the reason.  Otherwise, why would it so often suddenly get REALLY slow.  It is only six or seven months old, but there are times when it just doesn't want to cooperate.  I was feeling frustration the other afternoon and my husband suggested that the computer just wanted to spend more time with me....like it doesn't get enough now :)  But, thanks to considering this possibility I have let go of the frustration must quicker and been able to thank and appreciate my computer for all of its hard work.

We should take care of our material items - even when they are still new.  We need to tend to them.  Keep them clean and the area around them neat and tidy.  Maybe my computer is just not satisfied with the area....I am unsure.  I may change things up a bit just to see if shifting the energy around my desk changes my computer's "behavior". 


Have a wonderful day all and thank your technological devices for allowing you to see this post today!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Reincarnation? Where do we come from?

Just some rambling from me today....please share if you have something to add.

I have sensed somewhere inside of me (my ego?, my Soul? - don't know) that we do come here with a purpose - a blueprint, if you will, that can be altered as we live this life.  I don't believe that it is set in stone per se, but I believe it is devised as a guideline to the lessons and experiences that may appear in this life.  Whether or not we choose to learn from the lessons is another matter completely -- the ego may well lead us in a different direction than our Soul.  But, isn't that part of the lesson on this journey - learning how to integrate the ego self and the authentic self to a point that we can trust in the authentic self and listen to our inner voices and the call of our Soul and of Spirit?  My perception is that it is possible (ah, the anything is possible question again) that we "meet" with members of our spiritual family and with members of a "council" and go over the things we experienced in previous lives and what we need to achieve or experience in the next incarnation so that we "pass" the class.  If we fail a required class in school, we must retake it before we can take other courses or move onto a higher level.  For me, it feels similar to our incarnations.  When we sign up for a course in school, we most likely only have a brief summary and overview of what that class is about - unless we have taken the class before.  We may be surprised by what we learn or are supposed to learn in the class.  And, in fact, we may find ourselves in class thinking, "What the hell am I doing here?  This isn't what I signed up for!  Who are these people?  They aren't my friends!"  Then maybe we switch classes or we somehow get through that one and take a different one where we think, "Thank God!  All of my friends are here!  This is the stuff I like to study and I understand it." 

I certainly don't believe that the slate is wiped clean and we get a fresh start each time.  And, I don't think that we can just blissfully write up a new sacred contract or new blueprint.  Human life is not a joy ride and by choosing to take it on we choose to go through deep spiritual work. 

I ask two questions. 

1.  Do we really have a choice in the matter if we want to attain enlightenment, the highest level of consciousness, a full reconnection with God/Source?

2.  Just where the heck does the Soul come from the first time?  We have to have a first life - so where were we, what were we prior to that? 

Love to you al!
Photo by Alex White

Friday, May 20, 2011

CBS Airs Story About Reincarnation

We ARE spiritual beings having a human experience. 

But, I am curious what are your thoughts about this video on CBS?  Do you believe?  Or rather what do you believe?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Animals Understand

Animals understand more than you may realize.  Be kind and love them.  This cute clip will hopefully put a smile on your face and probably make you want to give this little cutie a steak.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 21st Doomsday! - Really?

Whoa!  Wait a minute! 
Just how many times is the world supposed to end?

What happened to it being December 2012?  Harold Camping seems to think he has it right.

Okay, so Mr. Camping believes the Bible clearly says that the world will end on May 21st at 6:00 PM.  Is that EST time, CST time, PST time or what?  I need to put this on my calendar.

Seriously, does this man truly believe this?  I doubt it, but he is certainly gaining a lot of attention.  But, let's talk just a minute about the end of the world as we know it.

There is GREAT CHANGE coming - that I agree with.  Is it going to magically occur at a set time whether this weekend or in 2012?  I sincerely doubt that.  The Earth needs a global change for humanity, for animals, and for nature, but one can't expect it to happen in an instant.  People are beginning to see the need for change and beginning to reconnect with their spirituality and open their hearts more to All.

Yet, there is much to still be done.  Millions are still extremely judgemental and deny the need to change.  Love yourself and you will be able to have more love for others.  Have compassion for yourself and you will find compassion in your heart for others.  

Let's find our Inward Oasis and bridge the gap between day-to-day life and our spirituality (no particular religion) and strengthening our relationships with each other and with All!  

Photo by Tanguy de Saint Cyr  

Dreams -- Day Residue or Messages?

Have you ever thought about your dreams?  No, I mean really thought about them as in where do they come from?  I believe that most likely on some level most people have thought about this - even if it is something like, "Why the heck did I dream that?  Where did I come up with that?"

But, a deeper question is are dreams just a mish mash of your daytime experiences - day residue?  You know the stuff you experience during the day, a film you watched, a TV show, or something you read.  Or are they messages from your psyche, your soul, Spirit, God? 

The answer is that they are both.  Your Spirit, the Divine Spirit, your Higher Self, God (or whatever you choose to name it/him/her/them) uses your experiences and what you can connect with to offer you messages in hopes that you will understand.  Ha ha you may be thinking.  Understand them?  Are you kidding?

Well, let me ask you - do you take them literally?  Should you?  Or should you look deeper?

Don't take them literally -- it is highly unlikely that exactly what you dream is the message you are to be getting.  Now, there are cases of prophetic or premonition dreams and for some they are nearly exactly what will happen.  But, more often than not your dream state is filled with symbolic imagery.  I will continue to share with you via blogposts and articles information on how to remember your dreams, document your dreams, and analyze your dreams.

Photo by Olga lermolaieva

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Podcast UP!!! Conversations Hit the Road

We are very excited to announce our new podcast -
Conversations Hit the Road. 
We cover everything from the spiritual to the sexual. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Heal Physically,Emotionally, Spiritually through Bodywork

We all carry many wounds.  Some of these wounds are quite deep and may be from years and years ago or even from a past life.  A key element in healing these wounds is to listen to your body.  All of our aches, pains, illnesses, and diseases are a direct result of emotional and/or spiritual wounds.  They are the signs, the symptons, the results of these deep wounds. 

There are a variety of questions you can ask yourself to help you uncover what truly needs to be healed. 

Here is a sampling of such questions:

  1. Where in my body do I feel tension?
  2. Where in my body do I feel restrictions in my movements?
  3. Where do I feel pain in my body?
  4. Are there places that I feel nothing?  Are these areas numb almost?
  5. Do I feel equality on both sides of my body?  Do both of my arms work with equal strength?  Do I hear equally with each ear?
These are great questions for you to ask yourself and write down whatever comes to you.  You can share these with a bodyworker such as a massage therapist, a reflexologist, a Reiki practitioner, an Ayurvedic practitioner, a chiropracter, etc.  You can also share this with a transpersonal psychologist or metaphysical counselor. 

Knowing what areas of your body are giving you messages and what those messages are will be key to healing -- healing that we all need.

Photo by Jenny Solomon 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Past Life Wounds...Present Life Problems

Check out this post on Dr. Indrani Barooah's blog. 

Past Life Regression Therapy: Past Life Wounds – Present Life Problems: "Past life issues that carry into the current life are often thought of as being the result of karma. The Western notion of karma can sometim..."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Vacation - Time to Rejuvenate

Many of us live very busy lives.  We rush from here to there and we don't take enough time to relax.  Or, we sit plopped down in front of the television or the computer mindlessly after work.  

Well, take a vacation!  Whether or not you can go to the Caribbean or Disney World doesn't matter.  What matters is that you find a time and a place where you and your partner and children (if you have any) can just go to relax, focus on being together, and have a great time!  This truly can and should be a time to rejuvenate your energy.  Don't let a vacation become stressful.  Plan ahead of time and be prepared financially, emotionally and time wise to enjoy your time away.

Enjoy it -- you deserve it!!

Photo by Randy Pertiet

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

OOPS!!! I messed up!

Oops!!  I always put up a post to share with everyone daily!  I like to plan ahead and have them scheduled for you.  They pop up around midnight for the next day.  I never want to miss a day sharing with you.  BUT, today I just realized at nearly 8:30 PM that I had missed a day.

Ah, well, no need to freak out or "cry over spilled milk".  It is just a good opportunity to:

1.  Remember we are all living as human beings and to err is human.
2.  Be more aware of my task list & dates marked off.
3.  And to share with you that it is OK to screw up occasionally! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

FREE Short Film - The Mantis Parable

This short film has won numerous awards.  It is only 8 minutes long and is ABSOLUTELY a MUST SEE.

A beautiful message with fantastic animation and a wonderful score.

Click here to see this BEAUTIFUL clip.

Freedom, forgiveness and compassion shine through so very brightly!

Monday, May 9, 2011

We NEED You!

We are working on a new PROJECT and we NEED your input!  Will consider taking just a couple of mintues (maybe five) and taking a survey in regards to Finding the True You?  It is all completely confidential and anonymous!  This is just one method of research we are using in the development of our new eCourse, Introducing You to the True You.  We hope to have this eCourse available to you late this summer.

Please help us out and participate!  Share with us - take survey!

Photo from Photoxpress by ChrisHarvey

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Help! I Can't See!

Today I hopped in our old Jeep so I could haul our sons' band equipment to where they were having band practice.  They had load the PA system, amps, cords, the mics, etc. this morning.  As school was almost out I packed up guitars and a bass then loaded my four-year-old in the back seat too. 

About a mile down the road it started raining and then I remembered that our windshield wipers severely need to be replaced.  We didn't drive the Jeep almost all winter due to gas prices and the wiper blades have basically fallen apart.  So, every once in a while I would try to use them to brush off some of the rain.  Sometimes it just did more harm than good.  But, I did get a good laugh from the hilarity of the situation.

What we need to remember is to take care of our possessions as much as ourselves.  The poor Jeep sat ignored all winter.  I had to air up all four tires a couple of weeks ago when I drove it for the first time (hauling band equipment of course), and we clearly need to buy new wiper blades for it.  Poor thing....with no attention and no love it just sat there deteriorating. 

Show your "stuff" attention and love too and it will work hard for you.  Ignore it and it will become old and decrepit.

Photo from Creative Commons by cjc4544

Friday, May 6, 2011

Respect or Re-spect

When you respect something you take another look at it...you re-spect it...you re-view it.  You don't just glance over it, briefly notice it and then go on.  No.  Instead, you give it (or him/her) attention and some level of love and/or honor. 

Today review (re-view) who and what your respect and then actually re-spect them.  Take a really good look at what you honor and appreciate.  Are they worthy of your respect (does it bring positive energy into your life?)?  Are there things that you are now realizing you should respect that you have not been? 

Take a moment and consider this....

Photo from Creative Commons - urbanlatinfemale

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

There is a great deal of abuse of other culture's celebrations here in America.  Do you think it is okay to use these important holidays from other cultures to have specials at restaurants, theaters, shopping centers, grocery stores, etc?  It can bring about an opportunity to learn about other cultures and their histories, but it very well may be distorted as the holidays become commercialized.  Something to think about today.

Happy Day today....no matter what day it is :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A little dog's yapping

Sitting at my desk I hear the thunder rumble in the distance, I hear my neighbor's loud pick-up truck start up, I hear my other neighbor's little dachshund tear off through the yard yapping away.  Then I wonder why do the little dogs bark and bark and bark? 

For most of my life I had a little dog in the house (had to give my last little dog to my parents because he didn't adjust to my youngest son when he was born - my son comes first) and they always seemed to yap, yap, yap.  In fact, I think my little dog that I have pictured above, Jackie, used to bark when a blade of grass moved :) 

Maybe they bark because they are insecure as many experts suggest.  Maybe they bark because they want to protect their territory and owners.  Maybe, just maybe they bark because they have a lot to say.

Should we, as humans, just shoosh and keep quiet because others want us to or should we be willing to take the risk and speak our opinions, share our knowledge, tell our story?  I think it is the latter.  We shouldn't go spouting off with incorrect information or ignorant blibber blabber, but we should share with others what we know to be true and we should be open to their views. 

If we don't share what we learn with others, we are doing a great disservice to the world.  That is one of my views anyway.  Have a beautiful happy day....and happily bark out what you know and remember to listen...

Photo by Janelle Alex

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I sat here thinking what on Earth can I post about today.  I was feeling a bit of a block.  Then I thought, "I will jump over to YouTube and type in 'Happiness' and see what I get." 

I was surprised to find the following clip.  A young girl named Happiness dancing ??  Hmmm...Can she dance?  Well, perhaps not, but she certainly seems to know how to be happy :)  Maybe if we all let go a little more often we would feel happier too.  I just hope she didn't think she was actually a really good (technical) dancer.  On the other hand, she DOES know how to "dance"...dancing her emotions and letting herself go.  Kudos to her.   

Monday, May 2, 2011

See Dr. Wayne Dyer Live!

Wayne Dyer Event Tour  
Dr. Wayne Dyer has an amazing message to share.  He is an internationally renowned author and speaker.  Click on the link above to see his tour schedule for 2011.