Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why Pay Attention to Dreams

There are many different perspectives on dreams.  Where they come from, what they mean, why you dream. Freud believed they are an opportunity for you to fulfill wishes that you cannot fulfill in your daily living.  Jung believed they are an opportunity for you to find psychological balance.  I think it is important to realize that there are different types of dreams.  There are dreams that seem to offer answers.  There are weird fragmented dreams.  There are lucid dreams.  There are prophetic dreams.  Some dreams may come up time and again for you. 
Do dreams come from residue from your day?  Do they come from the collective unconscious?  Do they come from God?  Or are they your spirit and soul trying to work out some things?  No one has the absolute answer.  Maybe dreams are created from a variety of these possibilities. 
Is every dream a message?  While many think so, I tend to feel that you can discover much for your dreams, but I am not sure each and every dream has a true message.  I think sometimes our spirit knows better than we do what needs to be worked out and maybe that is where those dreams that we will never figure out come from. 
So, why pay attention to your dreams?  Well, if you jot down notes about your dream, come back to it later, work through it creatively (such as writing a poem, writing a story, painting it, drawing images, etc), talk about it, and so on, you may very likely find a message.  You may begin to see repetitive patterns in your dreams.  You may be better able to release a bad dream.  You may realize you knew something before it happened.  And, if you can learn to lucid dream (knowing you are dreaming while you are dreaming), you may be able to guide your dreams in the direction you want.
Just remember that truly – you are the only one who can interpret your dreams!
Ah, okay – another plug for our Dream Journal – It is a great tool to have at your fingertips when you wake from a dream.  It offers a place to make notes about your dreams as well as room to ponder them later.       

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