Monday, June 13, 2011

ADHD...more connected than others?

A lot of people loved AC/DC!  Why can't we embrace AD/HD?

Have you ever considered the possibility that those beautiful people who have been diagnosed with AD/HD may just, in fact, have a closer connection to the Divine than others?  Why?  You ask.  Well, they connect with so many things at once.  There is a constant flow of information pouring into them.  It comes in so fast that they are not able to focus on just one thing.  It swirls around them. 

There is a common joke of, "oh, look a squirrel!".  If you don't know what I am talking about, the joke is that as these beautiful people are in the midst of a conversation or studying something or reading or watching a show they suddenly (seemingly out of the blue to others) say, "Oh, look a squirrel!" and then they are suddenly back to their original focus or they are off onto a completely different subject.  It does happen and though we may joke about it it is truly not a joke.  But, I don't want to get off on a tangent here.

What I want is for you to consider that those with AD/HD and maybe even those who are borderline may very well have maintained a closer connection to Spirit when they came into this life than the "average Joe."  That doesn't make them weird, sick, have a deficiency, or be difficult!!  If you ask me, it makes them exceptional and amazingly special instead!

(Please note that I understand that some with AD/HD really do need some medication to help them, but at the same time we need to truly be aware and not just dope up people because we think they need "help".)

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