Saturday, June 25, 2011

Don't Touch Me Doc!!!

Warning: I am on a tangent!

A few days ago in the mail I received a brochure and a letter trying to convince me I had potential risks and that I should take the following tests!!!  Stroke/Cartoid Artery Screening, Heart Rhythm Screening, Adbominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening, Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, and an Osteoporosis Risk Assessment!  Did they just pick me at random?  I have never had any issues!  Ooooh, I am 40 now...oh my! 

Come on now!!  Why don't the doctor's just place the idea in our minds that we are going to have some terrible disease or attack shortly after we turn 50?  Oh, wait -- that is what they are doing (at least those involved with this program).  They aren't truly concerned about the health of people.  They just want to make more money....they even have a package deal --- do all 5 screenings for around $150!

If they really cared, they would be supporting and promoting better nutrition, healthier ways to raise fruits and vegetables and they would encourage others to lessen their intake of red meat.  Okay, sure sometimes we hear these things from Western medicine, but usually only after someone has already suffered from disease. 

I refuse to pay them to poke and prod me for some health screen!  I am focused on a healthy body, exercise, healthy foods that are right for my body, meditation, yoga, and living joyfully. 

I am NOT saying that Western medicine is never an option!  But, it should be used in combination with Eastern medicine and Wisdom.  And, I strongly disagree with telling someone he is at a higher risk....placing the idea in someone's mind can very well draw that circumstance to the person because he now focuses on it! 

We need to focus on optimal health and stop lounging in front of the television eating chips.  Don't forget to stop eating all those greasy cheesburgers and fries!  Once in a while?  I think that may be okay, but not day in and day out!  And for Heaven's sake don't believe you can just go get a screen, get a positive or negative review and then expect to keep eating junk and laying around! 

Love your body and honor your body!  Start treating it right today.  It is the only one you've got for this life!

Shoo....stepping off of my soapbox now....

Phtoo by fotosergio

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