Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sacred Site - Serpent Mound

This past weekend we took a short little trip with our boys to visit a couple of sacred sites that are within a few hours of our home.  Our plans included some places along the Ancient Ohio Trail.  Amazingly not only did we visit some of those, but we found a couple of hidden treasures along the way – a castle and an art display of giant bugs (which I will share with you tomorrow)!  Our trip certainly connected us to the sacred.
Serpent Mound is considered the most famous effigy in the world.  Found in the rural southern corner of Ohio, USA it was built by a people oddly named “Fort Ancient”.  Native American Indians built mounds and geometric earthworks throughout this area in Ohio as well as other areas.  The Serpent Mound was not a burial mound.  Instead it was designed so that the head of the Serpent faced the summer solstice sunset and other various points of the body “pointed” to other times such as maximum southern moonset.  It is believed that this mound was used for ceremonial purposes. 

It was quite amazing to experience something that was built by a people from many hundreds of years ago.  There is most certainly a “feeling” at Serpent Mound. The exact purpose of Serpent Mound is not known - there is only speculation.  Some have suggested it is evil, that does not seem to be the strongest consensus.  We did not sense a negative feeling, but we felt something.  There is no way to describe it.  

We also visited an area simply called Fort Ancient.  The mounds and earthen walls were built by the Hopewell Indians, but it is not believed that it was ever a “fort” or used for defense.  They built walls, ramps, mounds, and monumental gateways.  As you can see in the photo above many of their mounds were covered with rock slabs.  We were unable to see some of Fort Ancient because it requires strenuous hiking and we had our four-year-old with us.  Yet, we had an amazing adventure. 
The Native Americans lived such a different life and we are thankful that their history is being preserved for future generations.  So much of their life revolved around ceremony and spirit.  Perhaps because they were so close to the Earth and so connected with nature they understood how to build earthworks that were like a calendar (Serpent Mound). 
Ancient cultures seemed to be so much more “connected” than we are today.  Have you ever wondered why that is?  They trusted in their spiritual beliefs for one thing.  I tend to think they trusted in what they knew from their inner guidance as well – something that far too many people today ignore.
So, today maybe you should listen to your inner take a good look around you...see what you can see. 
Photos by Rob Alex

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